Cooking instructions
- Add about a tablespoon of oil to a pan and once its hot add the garlic, shallots, chili and ginger. Add a few kaffir lime leaves as well. After about a minute at the galangal. Once the galangal is in chop the fish and add to the mixture.
- Once garlic and shallots are caramelized, take out the kaffir leaves and galangal out.
- Crack eggs into a bowl and mix. Add chili paste mixes until combined. Once fully combined, add to garlic and shallot mixture. Mix egg mixture with the shallot mixture until eggs are two-thirds of the way cooked. Once they are two-thirds cooked, the flatten the full mixture on the pan and let cook for 1 minute.
- Add rendang mixture to top of the eggs as they cook, putting an even amount across the egg mixture (rendang recipe below!).
- As the eggs cook, tap the pan so the eggs are released from the bottom of the pan. As eggs are fully cooked, tap pan 3 times and tilt. Using a spatula start from the top of the tilted pan and start to fold the eggs over. Continue to tip the pan as you fold until it gets to the bottom of the pan where you can roll it straight to your plate!
Watch how to make the perfect Rendang Omelette Here
Here's the Beef Rendang recipe used on Uncharted